5719 – Robotics A

In this course, students should learn and apply key concept in the understanding of robot arms. Additionally, students are expected to work in teams to build a 3dof prototype where they apply the course contents. The full syllabus can be found here. I have taught the following contents:


Objective: Students will learn the history of robotics

  1. History of robotics
  2. Dynamics and control of robot manipulators
  3. Components and structure of robot manipulators.

Kinematics Modeling

Objective: Students will understand the calculations for determining the position and orientation of the robot’s end effector

  1. Geometric description and transformations
  2. Direct Kinematic Model
  3. Inverse Kinematic Model

Manipulator Jacobian: Velocity and Force

Objective: Students must understand the relationship between joint and end effector velocity, as well as between force and torque.

  1. Jacobian
  2. Kinematic singularities
  3. Differential Kinematic Inversion
  4. Static force in the manipulator

Trajectory Generation

Objective: Students should be able to describe the robot’s motion both in joint and task space.

  1. General considerations
  2. Joint-space schemes
  3. Cartesian-space schemes
  4. Geometric issues with cartesian paths

Motion Control

Objective: Students should be able to design basic control movements of a robot.

  1. The control problem
  2. Joint-space control
  3. Task-space control

Trajectory control project of industrial robots

Objective: Students must apply the knowledge acquired during the course.

  1. Construction of a 3 DoF robot
  2. Simulation of a 6 DoF robot